Unique Word Count: 92
Music composed by: Irish traditional
Words written by: Unknown
A Ard-Rí a tháinig chun stábla lá Nollag go fuar,
‘S do máthair ar fán ‘s gan aon áit nach raibh cosc-tha go crua,
Ofráilim gach crá croí ‘s gach an-ró iompair lucht siúil,
An páiste gan scáth air ‘s an bhaisteach ag doirteadh anuas.
A Cheardaí a shínigh gach Críostaí le síocháin 's le grá,
'S gur sháraigh na mílte do dhlíthe le fíoch is le hár,
Ofráilim gach íobairt 'rinn 'naoináin a sciobadh chun báis,
Is a máithreacha 'caoineadh san oíche gan faoiseamh le fáil.
A Mháistir 'ghlac trua ar na sluaite bhí 'tarraingt 'do dhiaidh.
Ó thárla nach fluireach mo chnuasach de shaibhreas an tsaoil.
Ofráilim go humhal duit mo chúrsaí i gcaitheamh an lae;
Ach go bhfáighidh mé a luach go buan i bhflaitheas na naoimh.
Machine Translation:
O High King who came to the stable on Christmas day cold,
And your mother who was wandering and nowhere was not strictly forbidden,
I offer you all the heartache and all the hardships of the traveler,
The child without a shadow on him and the baptism pouring down.
O Craftsman who signed every Christian with peace and love,
And thousands of your laws have broken with fear and pain,
I offer you all the sacrifices you made to snatch babies to death,
And their mothers who cried in the night without relief.
O Master, take pity on the crowds that were drawn after you.
Since my collection of worldly wealth does not flourish.
I humbly offer you my affairs during the day;
But that I may find their value forever in the heaven of the saints.
Notes: These lyrics are sung to the Irish traditional melody, ‘Buachaill Ón Éirne Mé’
Source: I found these lyrics in a collection of Christmas carol lyrics in the Irish language, assembled by the priest Clement Mac Mánuis C.Ss.R. (1943 – 2023) from Co. Louth. The collection is available here: https://www.cumannnasagart.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/caruil-nollag-le-seoladh-3-1.pdf