Anois Oíche Nollag

Unique Word Count: 37

Music composed by: Unknown

Words written by: Unknown 


Anois oíche Nollag 
Tá an domhan ina luí
Tá sneachta ag titim
Ar an saol mar a bhí

Tá draíocht na Nollag
Le feiceáil go smior
Le grá is le cairdeas
Ó thuaidh agus thoir

Anois oíche Nollag
Tá na réalta sa spéir
Tá na haingil le cloisteáil
A nglórtha san aer

Machine Translation:

Now Christmas Eve
The world is at rest
Snow is falling
On the world as it was

The magic of Christmas
Can be seen clearly
With love and friendship
From the north and east

Now Christmas Eve
The stars are in the sky
The angels are heard
Their voices in the air
