Children Sing
Words written by: J. Quinn
Children sing with voices gay
And welcome Christ on Christmas Day
He sleeps and smiles, a child so small,
Yet he is King and Lord of all.
Angels fill the skies with song
For him to whom the skies belong
They sing of peace on Christmas morn
For now the prince of peace is born.
Mary sings her lullaby
While Joseph stands with watchful eye;
The shepherds kneel before their king.
And kings from far their gifts will bring.
Children sing with voices clear,
And greet your new-born Saviour dear.
He is the Lord of heaven above,
Now born a child to win our love.
Source: These lyrics are sung to an old Irish air collected by Petrie and used by Úna Ní Ógáin for ‘Dia Do Bheatha A Naí Anocht‘ . The words are published in the Veritas Hymnal (Veritas Publications, Dublin, 1973) edited by Fr. Jerry Threadgold. Harry Long includes the air in his book ‘110 Best Tin Whistle Tunes For Children‘
Children Sing / Éist le Glórtha
Unique Word Count: 53
Éist le glórtha páistí glé,
‘S Nollaig shona díbh go léir,
Féach sa stábla ina luí,
Ó Íosa Críost Aon-mhac Dé.
Féach an Mhaighdean mhánla chiúin,
‘S í a chealagú ‘n suain,
Iosaf Naofa ‘n Duine cóir,
Ag taispéaint omóis ‘s onóir.
Tréadaithe isteach ón sliabh,
Ar a nglúine ag a thaobh,
Ríthe ansin i bhfad i gcéin,
Le adhradh ‘thabhairt d’Aon-mhac Dé.
Notes: I think that these Irish language lyrics are a translation of ‘Children Sing’. I welcome feedback on this matching of translation and carol.