Fadó Thiar I mBeithil

Unique Word Count: 114

Music composed by: Traditional Irish

Words written by: S. Ó Maoláin 


Fadó thiar i mBeithil 
‘sea rugadh ár Slánaitheoir,
Ard Rí na cruinne,
Céad moladh ‘s na mílte glóir
Féach sa mhainséar
An leanbh is áille gnaoi,
Fearaim fáilte is fiche
Roimh Íosagán ina luí sa tuí.

Bhí gach doras dúnta
Agus doicheall i lár gach croí,
Fáilte is féile, ní raibh rompu,
‘S iad faon gan bhrí.
A Linbh ghil mhilis,
Ár gcuireadh, ó ghlac se uainn,
Tar chugainn um Nollaig,
Um Nollaig tairse chugainn.

Trí Rithe ón Domhan Thoir
Ag taisteal de ló is d’oích’;
Lean’ an Réalt Eolais
Bhí ag soillsiú ar feadh na slí,
Gur sroich siad an stábla,
Agus d’umhlaigh do Chríost bhí ann;
Bhronn miorr, túis is ór buí,
Ar Íosagán, Ard-rí an domhain.

Dé do bheatha-sa, a Mhuire,
Dé do bheatha-sa, a Ioiseaf lách.
Thug chugainn um Nollaig
An leanbh a shlánaigh cách;
A Theaghlaigh Ró-naofa
Mhair i mBeithil faoi fhíor-shíocháin –
Síocháin dáil orainn,
‘S beannaigh sinn, a Íosagán.

Machine Translation:

Far away in Bethlehem
‘here was born our Saviour,
The great King of the universe,
A hundred praises and a thousand glories
See in the manger
The most beautiful child,
I greet twenty-one
Before Jesus lying in the straw.

Every door was closed
And resentment in the heart of every heart,
Welcome and celebration, they did not have,
‘They are meaningless.
O sweet white Child,
Our invitation, since he took it from us,
Come to us at Christmas,
At Christmas we will come.

Three Kings from the Eastern World
Traveling day and night;
Followed the Star of Knowledge
It was shining all along the way,
Til they reached the stable,
And there was Christ who was obedient;
Myrrh, frankincense and yellow gold were given,
To Jesus, the High King of the world.

Hail Mary,
Hail Joseph, dear Joseph.
At Christmas,
The child who saved all was brought to us;
The Most Holy Family
Lived in Bethlehem in true peace –
Peace be upon us,
And bless us, Jesus.

Notes: These lyrics are sung to the Irish traditional melody ‘Úir Chill a Chreagáin’. According to Clement Mac Mánuis C.Ss.R., the lyricist S.Ó Maoláin was a primary school teacher in Dún Laoghaire.

Source: I found these lyrics in a collection of Christmas carol lyrics in the Irish language, assembled by the priest Clement Mac Mánuis C.Ss.R. (1943 – 2023) from Co. Louth. The collection is available here: https://www.cumannnasagart.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/caruil-nollag-le-seoladh-3-1.pdf