Unique Word Count: 37
Music composed by: Traditional Irish
Words written by: Unknown
Tá gaosán deas dearg orm*
Hata ar mo cheann
Tá píopa i mo bhéal
Ach níl tabac ar bith ann
Agus ó is fear sneachta mé
Is fear mór sneachta mé
Is fear mór bán sneachta mé
Is fear mór sneachta mé
Tá scairf ar mo mhuineál
Scuab i mo lámh chlé
An bhfuil a fhios agat cé mise?
Is fear mór sneachta mé
Machine Translation:
I have a nice red nose
A hat on my head
A pipe in my mouth
But there is no tobacco
A scarf around my neck
A broom in my left hand
Do you know who I am?
I am a big snowman
And oh I am a big snowman
I am a big snowman
I am a big white snowman
I am a big snowman
*This line can be changed to ‘Tá srón dheas dhearg orm’ depending on dialect
Notes: This is sung to the melody of ‘Peigí Leitir Mor’.
Source: I found the lyrics of this song in the file An Nollaig.ppt , which I downloaded from An tÁisaonad in Coláiste Ollscoile Naomh Muire, Belfast https://aisaonad.org