Unique Word Count: 98
Music composed by: Áine Durkin
Words written by: Áine Durkin
Seo chugainn arís é - am féile
Tá gliondar le mothú san aer
Tá ómós na ndaoine dhá chéile
Ag soilsiú mar réalta sa spéir
Sonas, sólás is aoibhneas
Ceiliúradh breith Íosa Críost
Fáilte is féile in onóir
Don naíonán 'na chodladh sa tuí
Guímid don pháiste a rugadh
'S don leanbh nár tháinig go fóill
'S dár bpáistí a d'fhág sinn róluath
Ina gcuimhne ardóimid ár nglór
Do dhaoine atá ar an ngannchuid
Ag fulaingt - faoi chéasadh - i bpáis
Seolfaimid cúnamh is beidh muid
'Cur síolta ár ngrá dhóibh ag fás
Níl muide 'nár mbreithimh ar éinne
Is cuma cén creideamh ná claon
'S go maire ár gcineáltas daonna
Mar a bhíonn sé an t-am seo den bhliain
Machine Translation:
Here it comes again - the festive season
There is joy in the air
The respect of the people for each other
Shining like a star in the sky
Happiness, joy and gladness
Celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ
Welcome and celebration in honor
For the infant sleeping in the straw
We pray for the child who was born
And for the child who has not yet come
And for our children who left us too soon
In their memory we will raise our voices
For those who are in need
Suffering - under torture - in passion
We will send help and we will
'Sowing the seeds of our love for them to grow
We are not the judges of anyone
Regardless of religion or bias
And may our human kindness live on
As it is this time of year
Notes: This composition of Áine Durkin’s won the Ros na Rún/Raidió na Gaeltachta Christmas Song Competition in 2013.
Bhain a hamhrán ‘Féile na Nollag’ an chéad áit i comórtas amhránaíochta a d’eagraigh Ros na Rún i gcomhar le RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta, i 2013.
Source: https://youtu.be/XcGSLlg9Vcg?si=u1lPo_FeSP_QhbEe