Unique Word Count: 16
Music composed by: Traditional Irish
Words written by: Unknown
Íosagán, Íosagán,
Íosagán sa chliabhán.
Íosagán, Íosagán,
Íosagán sa chliabhán.
Fáilte romhat, fáilte romhat,
Fáilte romhat a Íosa.
Fáilte romhat, fáilte romhat,
Fáilte romhat a thaisce.
Adhraimid Thú, adhraim Thú,
Adhraimid Thú a Dhia.
Adhraimid Thú, adhraim Thú,
Adhraimid Thú a Dhia.
Gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo.
Gloria gloria
in excelsis Deo.
Machine Translation:
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus in the cradle.
Jesus, Jesus,
Jesus in the cradle.
Welcome, welcome,
Welcome Jesus.
Welcome, welcome,
Welcome to you, my treasure.
We worship You, we worship You,
We worship You, O God.
We worship You, we worship You,
We worship You, O God.
Gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo.
Gloria, gloria
in excelsis Deo.
Notes: These lyrics are sung to the Irish traditional melody, ‘Túirne Mháire’.
Source: I found these lyrics in a collection of Christmas carol lyrics in the Irish language, assembled by the priest Clement Mac Mánuis C.Ss.R. (1943 – 2023) from Co. Louth. The collection is available here: https://www.cumannnasagart.ie/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/caruil-nollag-le-seoladh-3-1.pdf