Speedy & Seasonal

I wrote a book!! Well, an ebook. But still – a book!! It charts my research on how to eat in an eco-friendly way in Ireland… while being a self-employed musician, so having a schedule like a bag of cats. ! So if you’re a busy bee, or open to lessening your carbon footprint, read on!

Eco-friendly eating in Ireland requires a little strategy…

In the last year, I started eating vegetarian and local to reduce my carbon footprint. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find many vegetarian recipes which were nutritionally balanced, and/or which reflected the seasonal availability of vegetables in Ireland.

In response to this, I’ve researched seasonal vegetable availability, nutritional information, and recipes, and invented a few meal ideas for each month. I’ve compiled all this info into a 91-page doc, and I’m sharing it here because … well, it’s a bit useless doing all that work for just one person, isn’t it?!! I want other people to benefit from my hard labour!!!

So if you want to eat some absolutely AMAZING fresh, local food, which will taste even *better* because you’ll feel like a sensible, pro-active, lovely human while eating it… try reading this ebook. And please tell me if any of my ideas or charts help / inspire you to eat seasonally – or not!! All feedback is helpful!

You can download it for free, here:

Míle buíochas, agus ag súil go *mór* le cloisteáil uaibh, / thanks a million, and really looking forward to hearing from ye,
