What does 20g of protein look like? – meat & fish

Most of us should eat at least 20g of protein in every meal. Here’s a list of common animal protein sources, with required portion size & price included. Top tip: meat portions are generally around the size of your palm. I must confess that tip doesn’t work for me, though, as I have pretty big hands. ! 🙂

FoodPortion req. for 20g proteinLooks likeCost per portion / €Source
Beef78galmost 1 burger0.67meat
Turkey80garound 4 sandwich slices0.62meat
Tuna80g1 small can0.7meat
Chicken87garound 4 sandwich slices0.62meat
Mackerel100g1 fillet0.75fish
Salmon105g 1 fillet1.45fish
Ham125garound 5 sandwich slices2.5meat
Prawns125g 1 pack2.82fish
Rashers134garound 5 rashers0.53meat
Basa143g 2/3rds of a fillet1.22fish
Black Pudding173garound 7 slices1.61meat
Sausages188g3 sausages0.74meat

