Music composed by: Traditional Neapolitan
Lyrics written by: Saint Alphonses Liguori
Tu scendi dalle stelle,
O Re del Cielo,
e vieni in una grotta,
al freddo e al gelo.
O Bambino mio Divino
Io ti vedo qui a tremar,
O Dio Beato
Ahi, quanto ti costò
l'avermi amato!
A te, che sei del mondo
il Creatore,
mancano panni e fuoco;
O mio Signore!
Caro eletto Pargoletto,
Quanto questa povertà
più mi innamora!
Giacché ti fece amor
povero ancora!
Notes: This carol was written in the 1700s in Bovino, Italy, by Saint Alphonses Liguori. (Interesting fact: this priest founded the Redemptorists.). My understanding is that there was a traditional song written in Neapolitan entitled ‘For Jesus’ Birth’, beginning ‘Quanno nascette ninno‘ (‘when the child was born’) and sometimes referred to as the “Carol of the Bagpipers” (Canzone d’i zampognari). In 1732, the priest Alphonses took the melody of ‘For Jesus’ Birth’ but wrote new lyrics; his beginning words are “You come down from the stars” and his new title was “Little Song To Child Jesus”. Apparently Alphonses’ rewrite became hugely popular, and is still a core part of the Italian tradition.
This song is also known by the alternative titles: ‘Tu scendi dalle stelle’, ‘From Starry Skies Thou Comest’, ‘From Starry Skies Descending’, ‘You Came a Star from Heaven’, ‘You Come Down from the Stars’
Source: Wikipedia contributors, “Tu scendi dalle stelle,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed January 9, 2024).
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle / Do Thuirling Ós Na bhFlaithis
Unique Word Count: 72
Translation: Br S.E Ó Cearbhaill
Do thuirling ós na bhflaithis
Rí mór ríocht na ndúl
Do tháinig chugainn i stábla
É préachta leis an bhfuacht.
Do tháinig chugainn i stabla É
préachta leis an bhfuacht.
Ó, a Íosa, Linbhín míonla,
Ó a Dhia id luí sa bhféar
Ó Naoináinín ó
Cé daor an luach a dhíol tú
Le grá don domhan go léir
Cé daor an luach a dhíol tú
Le grá don domhan go léir.
Tú féin, cé leat na spéartha
Gach ré is réilteann mhór
Féach Tú fuar is ocrach
A Dhia mo Shlánaitheoir.
Féach, tú fuar is ocrach
A Dhia, mo Shánaitheoir.
A Linbhín dhílis, A Linbhín bhídigh,
Cé chomh h-íseal, cé chomh bocht,
Cad í mar íobairt!
De bhrí gur ghráigh tú daoine
Is caoile do chuid anocht.
De bhrí gur ghráigh tú daoine
Is caoile do chuid anocht.
Source: I found these lyrics in a collection of Christmas carol lyrics in the Irish language, assembled by the priest Clement Mac Mánuis C.Ss.R. (1943 – 2023) from Co. Louth. The collection is available here:
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle / Do Tháinig Tú Ar Talamh
Unique Word Count: 106
Translation: Dónal Ó Cuill
1. Do tháinig Tú ar talamh
A Rí ó Neamh anuas
Is tháinig Tú sa gcró beag
Sa ngeimhreadh feanntach fuar
Is tháinig Tú sa gcró beag
Sa ngeimhreadh feanntach fuar
Ó, a Íosa, Leinbhín Diaga
Tá Tú anseo ar crith os mo chomhair
A Dhia Ró-naofa Mhóir
Nár mhór an ní go fíor é
Grá a thabhairt dom shórt
Nár mhór an ní go fíor é
Grá a thabhairt dom shórt
Tá éadach agus tine
In easnamh ort a stór
A Chruthaitheoir na Cruinne
A Dhia, a Shlánaitheoir
A Chruthaitheoir na Cruinne
A Dhia, a Shlánaitheoir
A Chara, Ró-dhil, a Naí bhig íon
Más bocht í an choir
Is móide mo ghrá
Is Tú an ghrá ró-mhór,
Do dhein díot fhéin an grá
‘S Tú dealbh de shíor is de ghnáth
Do dhein díot fhéin an grá
‘S Tú dealbh de shíor is de ghnáth
Id’ shuan c’é taoi, a Leanbh
Go suaimhneach síoch go fóill
Is buan do chroí ar faire
Anois is go deo na ndeor
Is buan do chroí ar faire
Anois is go deo na ndeor
Och, a Uainín álainn íon-ghlain
Cad iad do smaointe? Lig dom do rún
A Chroí dhochuimsithe mhóir
Cén lá a gheobhaidh mé bás
Ar do shon, má ‘sé sin atá ‘ndán?
Cén lá a gheobhaidh mé bás
Ar do shon, má ‘sé sin atá ‘ndán
Source: de Barra-Cusack, Fionnuala. Ceol Na Nollag: Carúil Nollag Agus Roinnt Amhrán. Baile Átha Cliath: Cló Chaisil, 2002.
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle / From Starry Skies Descending
Translation: Unknown
From starry skies descending
Thou comest, glorious King
A manger low Thy bed
In winter's icy sting
O my dearest Child most holy
Shudd'ring, trembling in the cold
Great God, Thou lovest me
What suff'ring Thou didst bear
That I near Thee might be
Thou art the world's Creator
God's own and true Word
Yet here no robe, no fire
For Thee, Divine Lord
Dearest, fairest, sweetest Infant
Dire this state of poverty
The more I care for Thee
Since Thou, o Love Divine
Will'st now so poor to be
(The text below the title on the right refers to the source of the melody. The text below the title on the left refers to the source of the lyrics. If there is no text below the title on the left, the text on the right is the source of both the music and the lyrics.)