Your Dance

My uncle John passed away on Sunday, October 6th, 2019. He was an absolutely gorgeous person, with many wonderful qualities, but one of his most lovable attributes was his sense of fun, and his great fondness for dancing. I wrote this song for his wife Nora, his children and grandchildren.


You left us, a little too soon,
You left us a little too fast,
But I’ll leave the light on, and the door on the latch,
For I know you’ve just gone for a dance

You left us your dimples and curls,
The promise of a life-long romance,
Your style, and your grace, and your light-hearted laugh,
Before you stepped out to the dance

Is it a waltz or a jive,
That you’re dancing right now, through the night?
I hope that you’re twirling, and skipping, and whirling,  
And smiling with your twinkling eyes …

I miss you more than I can say,
But I’m grateful we knew in advance,
So you could swing a shoe, and bid us all adieu,
For you knew, you’d be going to the dance

So you left us a song in our hearts,
The courage to take every chance,
The knowledge that you will love us through and through  
And the memory of you, and your dance

So I’ll stay here, and dream of your dance…